Sunday, August 25, 2019

Key Elements Of Hitchcock's Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Key Elements Of Hitchcock's Style - Essay Example "He's a prophet and a pusher - partly true, partly fiction, a walking contradiction." - Kris Kristoferson - quoted by Betsy in Taxi Driver (1976). Key elements of Hitchcock's style that promote the idea that he is an auteur of the cinematic medium are: 1) the way in which his passion and dedication to his own vision superceded external influences at the time to break new ground within the film industry. 2) The degree to which he directly participated in the film's creation. 3) His technical and theoretical consistencies across a range of films - including his innovative use of camera angles and movements to establish mood, his use of distortion and the uncanny to evokie feelings of suspense and horror, his use of timing to build anticipation, his refusal to adhere to standard narrative forms and his ability to utilise scenery, sound, aesthetics and symbolism to create a unified effect for a common purpose. Throughout Vertigo and Blackmail, Alfred Hitchcock's directorial fingerprint c an be evidenced in each film's cinematic techniques, aesthetic vision, dominant themes and stylistic consistencies. Each of these ingredients comprise Hitchcock's identity and classification within the theoretical school of auteurism - whereby the politique des auteurs ("the policy of authors")(Rohmer & Chabrol, 1957, 95) in the text. is governed by the director's own creative vision - bearing their own trademark style and transcending the limitations of mainstream demands and corporate economic considerations.

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