Saturday, August 31, 2019

Case Study Analysis †Abc, Inc.

As a new worker you have finally landed that dream job, now what? You are excited about the possibilities awaiting you at your new dream job. As you prepare for your first day, you are told you will have to attend new hire orientation. Suddenly, the butterflies in your stomach return as you anticipate what to expect next. Then you ask yourself, â€Å"What is new hire orientation and what does it mean for me? † The goal of any successful onboarding program is to ensure that the investment in a new employee pays off by creating a sense of connection between the new worker and the organization. But what happens when company representatives lack organization and the new worker’s transition is traumatic? Take for example the Case Study for Student Analysis. In this selected paper, it is easy to immediately observe a lack of communication going on at ABC, Inc. between Carl Robbins, the campus recruiter and Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor. Lagging communication skills at any organization can be catastrophic and ABC, Inc. is no different. As a first time recruiter with only six months experience, Carl will face very serious problems. This case study will illustrate the many problems that grew when he attempted to hire employees to work for Monica Carroll. Possible solutions available for Carl to resolve the situation will be explored as well as any alternative solutions he should take. Carl Robbins is not incompetent; he simply lacks experience. As with any new position that a person is involved in; he will face challenges. With some direction, Carl can easily overcome these challenges. Background In early April, Carl was tasked to recruit and hire fifteen new hires to work for Monica Carroll, operations supervisor for ABC, Inc. After successfully recruiting them, Carl scheduled an orientation session to take place on June 15. His goal was to have all new recruits working by July. Traditionally, new hire orientation programs have long been designed to help new hires quickly learn the important things they will need to know to be successful in their new job. Most orientation programs provide the new hire with: †¢an overview of the company’s history; †¢a description of the company’s organizational structure; †¢an overview of employee-related policies; and †¢details of employee benefit programs. ABC, Inc. ’s orientation should be no different. With only a few weeks left until the planned orientation, Carl still has lots of work to do. On May 15, Monica contacts Carl about several key issues such as the training schedule; manuals; policy booklets; drug tests; and other issues related to orientation. Carl reassures Monica that everything will be fine. Subsequently, shortly after Memorial Day, Carl pulled out his new trainee file to finalize things for the orientation scheduled for June 15. After going through his files, Carl becomes concerned. He discovers that some of the new trainees have not completed their applications and some transcripts are missing. He also discovers that none of the new hires have been sent to the clinic for their mandatory drug screens. Next, he searched the orientation manuals and realized that only three copies exist. He then discovers that those three copies are missing several pages. Carl is in big trouble as his first recruitment effort is not going as smoothly as it should. Carl’s problems however are just beginning. Upset and frustrated, he decides to go for a quick walk. As he returned to the office, Carl decides to check out training room for the upcoming orientation. To his surprise, he found Joe from technology services. Joe was setting up computer terminals. Carl decided to review the scheduling log and discovered that Joe had already reserved the training room for other training activities the entire month of June. Panicked, Carl returned to his office; put his head on his desk; and silently wondered, â€Å"What am I going to do? † Key Problems The first key problem that Carl faces is his lack of experience. Initially, Monica contacts Carl about the key items needed for orientation and he assures her that everything is good to go. This could not have been further from the truth. At this point, he is not aware of the problems he ill face in his new endeavor. Carl’s lack of experience is clearly exhibited when his assurance has not been tested. The next key problem that arises for Carl is when he checks the new trainee files and discovers that they are incomplete. All the new recruits have gone through the interview process and filled out their paperwork. Unfortunately, the paperwork is incomplete and missing lots of valuable data. To make matters worse, some files are missing transcripts, and no one has completed the required drug screens. Problems only get worse for Carl when he discovers that only three copies of the employee manuals exist. Of the three manuals that exist, they are all missing several pages. Unfortunately, he needs fifteen complete copies. As if the previous issues alone are not bad enough, Carl also learns that the training room he plans to use for orientation has been booked by another individual for the entire month of June. At this point, he is faced with a serious dilemma, and his lack of experience reveals that he does not realize the severity of his problem. Namely, he lacks leadership because he failed to prepare and assumed that his first project would go smoothly. Next, he reveals his lack of organizational skills because he failed to review his trainee file prior to guaranteeing Monica that everything would be ready for orientation. Alternatives A possible solution for Carl as a new recruiter is to use this onboarding process as a welcome mat for new hires as a means to display his potential talents as a top notch recruiter. To accomplish, this he must determine who will be affected by his failure to develop his first orientation. Next, Carl should analyze how these parties will be affected as a result of his failure to prepare. Then, he should evaluate possible alternatives to the dilemma he is facing. Unfortunately, Carl is not quite in a position to do this. Subsequently, he should have developed his project prior to promising results. Carl could improve his organizational and communicative skills by establishing the parameters for the project. In other words, he should have determined his needs and effectively communicated those needs to any other parties early on. This strategy would have granted him the opportunity to plan for alternative solutions without anxiety. Proposed Solution Many successful new hire or onboarding programs start with a checklist of typical new employee needs. Certainly, Carl could have used a checklist to help him determine his needs as a new recruiter. Since most new employees want to make a good first impression, Carl could have made this transition easier for himself and everyone else by seeking the assistance of a more seasoned professional. Monica Carrolls is also not exempt from her role in this fiasco. She could have ensured a more seamless transition by providing Carl with a detailed orientation program. This would have lifted the burden of him having to figure things out on his own. Not only would a detailed orientation program have comforted Carl’s anxiety; it would have also sent a positive message to the entire organization about their organizational skills. Since Carl had only been on the job for six months, Monica could have required that he produce a detailed checklist for the proposed orientation. In my opinion, Monica’s role for Carl should have been that of coach and mentor to ensure a successful onboarding process. This could have been accomplished by developing a simple framework and tailoring it to meet ABC, Inc. s specific needs. Clearly this was not done and ultimately disaster struck. Recommendations As previously noted, many problems surfaced when new recruiter, Carl Robbins attempted to hire employees to work for Monica Carroll at ABC, Inc. Many factors contributed to the downfall of his first recruitment effort. How could Carl have overcome the pitfal ls that he faced? Anonymous research provided by Workforce Management (2009) outlines and recommends the following guidelines for a successful onboarding program: * Start Before Day One – Clearly Carl should have prepared for the orientation from day one. Socialize – Carl could have been prepared by aligning himself with the accepted practices of the company and his superiors. Therefore, he would have exhibited less anxiety and been better prepared. * Extend Beyond Day One – Once Carl prepared for orientation, he should have extended beyond day one by analyzing any potential issues and preparing possible alternative solutions. * Assign a Mentor – Monica should have assigned herself as Carl mentor in this situation. Since this was Carl’s first recruitment effort, he certainly needed the assistance of a more seasoned professional. Keep in mind; it was necessary for Carl to have implemented these specific solutions. However these guidelines are a good place to start. Any guidelines would have relieved Carl’s anxiety and allowed him to create a successful onboarding process for his fifteen new recruits. Ultimately, all of this could have been avoided had Carl sought the advice of a more seasoned professional and displayed better organizational skills. Simply put, his failure to plan was a direct result of a botched first project. Hopefully, Carl recognizes his mistakes and uses them as a learning tool in his next recruitment endeavor. References Case Study for Student Analysis. Comm 215. University of Phoenix. Ecampus Course Materials. Retrieved from the website at: Steps to a successful onboarding process. (2009). Workforce Management, 88(7), 1-S14. Retrieved from

Biological Explanations of Addiction Essay

The biological model of addiction’s basic premise is that addiction: is an illness; that it is irreversible; that you are either addicted or not (there are no slightly addicted individuals) and that treatment must be medical.  There are many models of biological addiction mainly because current psychological research suggests that different areas of the brain are involved in different addictions (quashing the idea of an addictive personality per say). In this essay two biochemical theories will be discussed, plus the genetic model. The latter theory should not be seen as distinct from the biochemical theories as biologists would propose that any biochemical abnormalities that may predispose an individual to addiction are probably inherited. Thus studies looking at concordance rates of addictions in families, twins and adopted children would support all three of the models being discussed. One of the most popular theories of addiction is to do with the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Dopamine is involved with our pleasure/reward system. Anything we do of our volition that is pleasurable increases Dopamine. It is the release of dopamine that makes us feel Euphoria/pleasure. Drugs such as Cocaine, Alcohol and Heroin make Dopamine receptors release enormous amounts of Dopamine, so the user may feel intense pleasure. This however, does not explain addiction as many people drink or recreationally use cocaine and don’t become addicts. The main idea of the theory is that individuals biologically susceptible to addiction have more sensitive Mesolimbic/ reward pathways in their brain, e.g. drugs may have a more profound (wow factor) on their Dopamine receptors. Another theory that may work alone or in conjunction with the Reward theory is that individuals with addictions may naturally produce low levels of Serotonin. Serotonin is thought to be a major factor in controlling our behaviour. So most of us can get drunk overeat etc but not repeat the behaviour compulsively. This is because our Serotonin levels are stable. It is thought that individuals with low levels may not be able to exercise control. There is support for this idea, e.g. low levels of serotonin are correlated with compulsive suicide, homicide, Bulimia and ADHD. Another suggestion has been that there is a genetic basis for developing an addiction. Although a specific gene has not been found, there is plenty of research that shows high levels of concordance between families who are addicted to: alcohol (Sarafino), Nicotine (Agrawal and Lynskey, Heroin (Devaux and Krebs) and Fowler (see Erika Cox book). However like all correlational studies this kind of research cannot imply cause. The concordance could be caused by environmental factors or social learning.  Additional support for the biochemical theories comes from MRI and PET scans, animal studies using agonists and antagonists and invasive brain techniques on animals, such as neuro toxins where Dopamine receptors are removed.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Jean paul sartre Essay

Jean-Paul Sartre was a 20th century intellectual, writer, and activist. He was born June 21, 1905, in Paris, France. As a child Sartre was a small cross-eyed boy, who did not have much friends; he would spend most of his time dreaming and thinking. Some say his background as a child led to his success as an adult. Later in his life he studied at the Ecole Normale Superieure and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre in 1931. Between 1931 and 1934, he taught high school in Le Havre, Lyon, and Paris. His first major breakthrough as a writer came in 1938 with his novel Nausea. Then in 1939, Sartre was drafted into the French army, where he served as a meteorologist. He was captured by German troops in 1940 and spent nine months as a prisoner of war; although being a prisoner helped shape Sartre. He wrote some of his major works while in prison, and it changed his process of thought at the same time. His pre-war work is largely a defense of individual freedom and human dignity; in his post-war writing, he elaborates on these themes and strongly emphasizes the idea of social responsibility. In October 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He declined the prize saying, â€Å"A writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution† (Frentz). He was the first Nobel Laureate to do so. Sartre’s lived with very few possessions; he committed to humanitarian and political causes until the end of his life. Jean-Paul Sartre died in Paris on April 15, 1980, from pulmonary edema at the age of seventy-four. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote an incredible amount of works during his lifetime. One of his first major works was Nausea, which he wrote 1938. Nausea was his first novel; he wrote while he was teaching at Le Havre. Nausea is about a 30-year-old Antoine Roquentin who, returned from years of travel, settles in the fictional French seaport town of Bouville to finish his research on the life of an 18th-century political figure. But becomes very sick, as he calls nausea, which does not allow him to do the things he enjoys in life. He starts to hate existence, but then in his resolution in the book he accepts the indifference of the physical world to man’s aspirations. Ten years later, Sartre wrote another famous work, but this was a play called Dirty Hands. Dirty Hands takes places in a fictional country in Eastern Europe called Illyria, during the later stages of World War II. Hugo, the main character, is released from prison, after the assassination of Hoederer, leader of the proletariat, and went to Olga, his protector, who will examine his case and whether politics can integrate People’s Party. The play examines the reasons that led Hugo to kill Hoederer. Dirty Hands teaches us that even the worst cannot be done without the consent of the person who actually needs to assume and assert his actions. One of his best philosophic essays is, Being and Nothingness, is known to be his greatest articulation of his existentialist philosophy. It is about phenomenological ontology, which is a study of the consciousness of being. Jean-Paul Sartre frequently characterizes humans in terms of the idea of nothingness in this text. His main purpose was to assert the individual’s existence as prior to the individual’s essence. Jean-Paul Sartre has many more famous works. Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, who had major contributions to philosophy. He is considered the father of Existentialist philosophy; he questioned his existence as a free person greatly. His purpose was to understand human existence rather than the world as such, adopting and adapting the methods of phenomenology. Phenomenology is the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness. He believed individuals act out a label given to them, accepting beliefs such as fate, instead of understanding one’s total freedom. Sartre believed all people always had choices; there is no given meaning in life. It is up to all individuals to find their own meaning. Therefore they had freedom in all situations, but with freedom come responsibility. Sartre assumed that if god doesn’t exist then no set rules of right or wrong could possibly exist and it is upon each individual`s realization of this that one can attain true freedom. Sartre was known for his ideas of existentialism. When reading Sartre’s Nausea he takes us on a journey, lived through the main protagonist, Antoine Roquentin, who is completely lacking emotion in his life. Nausea is the journal of Antoine Roquentin. In this story, Roquentin is writing a story of a man named Rolleman, an 18th century historical figure. To start his writing, he emerged himself in the life of this man, studying all things about this man. The way in which Roquentin writes the novel is similar to how a scientist would attempt to analyze a phenomenon; by intricately noting down everything that happens to him. While readers read this story they start to see a theme of social estrangement of the character. â€Å"The nausea creeps in at times when dealing with any of the three characters and I believe that Sartre has introduced them into the story as pillars which have to be knocked down and overcome before you he can finally be free† (Karam). Sartre expands upon this idea in his Being and Nothingness, saying inanimate objects constitute being-in-itself, while humans with consciousness are beings-for-itself. â€Å"This feeling of nausea arises when he seems to perceive objects in the world devoid of their primary qualities- that is, without essence just pure abstract existence: (Karam). Sartre’s philosophy, that in man and life existence precedes essence, the pure foundation of our reality unable to be described in virtue of its paradoxically nothingness. There are a lot of major themes underlying in Nausea, we see glimpses of anti- humanism by the portrayal of the pedantic self-taught man and witnessing three instances of sexual perversion in an effort to undermine humanism. Sartre explores the existentialist question of human and existence. Nausea follows Sartre’s beliefs behind his previous books; the belief of existence precedes essence. He wrote this book in an interesting manner, it was many journal entries and observations of the main character, Roquentin, which I enjoyed. Roquentin begins to understand that his feelings of Nausea have something to do with the question of existence. He claims all people are afraid to exist and do not truly know the importance of objects just their physical characteristics. Throughout the book, Roquentin resolves to free himself from the past by embracing his existence in the present. After reading the excerpt I think Roquentin is confused with his life and existence at first, but then through his experience he realizes his importance and meaning in life. Nothingness is a force that makes up a purposeless reality, but which also inspires action. Roquentin is critical thinker; his journal entries are very detailed with characteristics. I could tell Sartre’s beliefs are underlined Roquentin’s journal entries. I agree with Sartre’s beliefs that true freedom is attained through oneself; humans are responsible for themselves. I appreciate Sartre’s logic and perspective on life. In summary, Jean-Paul Sartre, was a very fascinating person. He spent most of his life in Paris, France, that is where he was born and died. He is a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. He is most known for his founding on existentialism, a very interesting belief of existence preceding essence. Sartre was also the first person who won a Nobel Prize for literature who refused it. His work and life teachings inspired many other people in their lives. Works Cited Desan, Wilfrid. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre (French Philosopher and Author). â€Å"Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. Frentz, Horst. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre – Biographical. † Jean-Paul Sartre – Biographical. Elsevier Publishing Company, 1990. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre. † Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. Karam. â€Å"A Literary Review of Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Nausea'† Come Think With Me. World Press, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2014. Maslin, Luke. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre By Individual Philosopher Philosophy. † Jean-Paul Sartre By Individual Philosopher Philosophy. N. p. , 2008. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Annual report about apple company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Annual report about apple company - Essay Example In order to provide differentiated and unique products, the company engages in innovation each year providing their consumers with products that use groundbreaking technology whose introduction to the market is backed by an effective marketing and advertisement strategy. Consequently, a combination of these approaches ensures that Apple Inc’s products become synonymous with cult-brands. Nonetheless, it is important to identify the objectives of the company in order to understand the marketing and advertisement strategy that the company uses to promote its products. Through providing innovative hardware, software, services, and peripherals, the company’s objective is to bring out the best user experiences by providing differentiated and unique products in terms of design and the operating systems, which sets them apart from the competitors (Apple Inc. 2012). For this reason, the innovation the company engages in provides consumers with new products and services that are superior in quality while being easy to use, provide seamless integration, and provide innovative designs. In effect, innovation has helped the company gain competitive advantage in the industry since its strategic approach ensures that the company produces differentiated products that provide it with a competitive edge whose innovations are not as unique and differentiated as Apple products. In the contemporary society, it is evident that information and technological innovations keep on evolving with various companies frequently producing new product offering. For this reason, companies operating in this sector face stiff competition due to these new products and services on offer. Nonetheless, a good marketing strategy ensures that Apple Inc. is able to compete effectively in the competitive business environment while also maintaining a competitive edge over its competitors. In order to effectively position the company to consumers in this competitive sector, the company has focu sed their marketing strategy by providing products with appealing designs, focused their product offering, and provided designs and products that are easy to use for their consumers (McDonald and Keegan 2002). Other than offering differentiated products, Apple Inc. practice market segmentation by dividing their marketing offering into five distinct segments. These segments are the consumer segment, Small and Medium-sized Business segment, education segment, enterprise segment, and government segment with each market segment provided with unique products from the company that meet the needs and preferences of consumers in each segment (Apple Inc. 2012). Under the education segment, the company offers products to consumers in educational institutions with the products on offer providing them with the requisite knowledge and set of skills that enhance their learning. In addition, the company offers special pricing for consumers in this category. On the other hand, government agencies a lso offer various products and services that specifically meet their needs and objectives of offering services to the public in a seamless approach. Similarly, other segments of the markets that the company offers are unique to the company seeking to provide products meant for each market segment with these products meeting the specific needs of the customers under

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WORKPLACE CONFLICT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WORKPLACE CONFLICT - Essay Example The inconsistency emanating from the relationship between him and the head of department may seem obvious and an easy task to resolve. However, the issue may run out of control and hurt the whole organization. Therefore, establishing the different concepts as honorable approaches to resolving the rivalry could serve to save the company from animosity, with an advantageous outline of handling relevant future problems. Adapting to the concept of avoidance can serve as a vital tool to resolving the problems prevailing between the head of department and the employee. The concept asserts that the individuals could differ from direct confrontations (Cooper). For instance, George could undertake his tasks towards achieving the organizational set goals without hindrances, and in accordance with the set of rules and regulations. The head of department may resent to the issue of job performance with the aim of completion targeting to improve the quality of output. The concept may serve to adequately restrict the H.O.D from interfering with employee performances so long as they are up to the set rules and regulations. Avoidance concept could further restrict the manager from meddling into George’s undertakings as he remains naà ¯ve of the dealings till the point of delivery. In the event that the H.O.D enforces inapplicable regulations causing strenuous relationship between him and George, the concept is relevant to competitive conflict style. In this concept, the high ranked individual seems to express an unchallenged authority over his subordinates in order to feel satisfied. For instance, the H.O.D exerts pressure to George to work towards achieving his solely set objectives despite the fact that they are set to benefit the organization. The concept depicts an understanding that the approach may restrain the subject to quit all his duties entirely. Competitive rivalry between the manager and the employee,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Conflicts in family course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Conflicts in family course - Essay Example Addiction is a state comprising abnormally extended use of something and/or belief in something or in a particular idea (Duncan & Duncan, 1995; Califano, 2000, 15 Jan). Examples are addictions to drugs, particular behavior such as male chauvinism, and excessive passion for work and so on. While every person may have all the rights for the use, belief and passion for a particular phenomenon, in a family, addiction can go an extra mile of affecting relationships and perceptions negatively. It is important to note that all human beings have different tastes and preferences (Werner & Johnson, 2000). Family members are no exceptions here. For example, what a father is addicted to may become a nuisance to the rest of his family. Addiction for a particular phenomenon is a condition one is determined or must live with at all times whether it affects close family members or not. It therefore goes without saying that some of the family members may really feel offended. Rational family members who are thus offended react and respond by way of showing discontent and hatred to the behavior of the addicted member of the family (Califano, 2000, 15 Jan). But this presents a rather confusing scenario: some family members hate behaviors that are dear to other family members (Duncan & Duncan, 1995). At such a juncture, everything goes amiss – there inherently occurs conflicts of interests. The end product is total family conflicts and disconnections. The central issue as regards the presence of addiction cases in families is the basic aspect of a normal family (Werner & Johnson, 2000) – a family should remain a unitary entity with strong bonds and there should be no very wide boundaries between interests of individuals forming a family. Generally, I should think that each member in a particular family has his or her role to play in order to maintain family coherence. In other words, all family members complement each other when it

Monday, August 26, 2019

Employee Retention as a challenging task for various organizations Dissertation

Employee Retention as a challenging task for various organizations - Dissertation Example From this research it is clear that employee retention has become a challenging task for various organizations. Organizations always prefer to retain the highly potential employees as they consider them to be an asset. The successful retention polices are always attached with the talent management approaches envisioned and designed to increase workplace productivity. Retaining and utilizing talent can be used to increase the workplace productivity. For this purpose, learning environment can be ensured by establishing the approaches such as gap and appreciative approach. The purpose of both approaches is to assess the current performance and potential of the employees. The organization faces issues such as job content and prospects. The majority of left employee believed that they it would be of no use to expect career growth and increase in pay and benefits. And others believed that it would be useless to continue providing services as their current employment job content did not mee t with their experience, qualification and expertise. Others were of the view that the management did not pay much and there would be lesser chances of growth in benefits. The management must take into account such causes. Importantly, the human resource personnel must develop job content appropriately resembling with the experience, qualification and expertise. The potential employees must be provided a job content copy and their approval must be sought. The management must provide a workplace environment in which the employees should remain optimistic about their career growth and development. They must consider themselves to be a part of the organization. For this, management must ensure appropriate remuneration, learning and development opportunities. Table of Content Content Page Number Project aim and objectives 1 Project plan and approaches 2 Literature review Introduction 4 Definition of Retention 4 Retention Factors for Employees 4 Learning and work Environment 6 Skill reco gnition 6 High Potential Employees 7 Training and Development 8 Talent 8 Summary 9 Critical Evaluation and Analysis of the Data 11 Discussion 17 Conclusion and Recommendations 19 References 22 Project aim and objectives Comprehending the major organizational and personal factors contributing towards employee retention Highlighting the significant factors that directly or indirectly enhance the labour turnover rate Assessing workable strategies capable enough to diminish labour turnover rate Research Questions What factors contribute to employee retention? What are the major causes increasing labour turnover rate? What are the remedies to handle that labour turnover rate? How to ensure durable employee retention? Project plan and approach The primary approach method has been used to collect data for the paper. The primary research method is a research method used to collect firsthand information in order to entertain research aims and objectives along with research questions. Before going to embark upon the paper, the project aim and objectives were selected. The development of the project aim and objectives necessitated to begin the next step. In the next step, data was collected from the company. The primary data consists of employees left the organization along with their reasons mentioned in that sheet. For any project, the primary data is fundamentally important as it is evaluated subsequently in the light of the project aim and objectives. However, before going to begin evaluating that data, the portion of literature review was completed. The literature review provided the fundamental factors necessary for employee retention. The authentic and reliable sources were employed to acquire information for the literature review. The literature review was completed with a critical approach. After completing the literature review, the critical evaluation and analysis of the primary data was carried out. While critically analysing the primary data, multiple perspe ctive approach was used. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Key Elements Of Hitchcock's Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Key Elements Of Hitchcock's Style - Essay Example "He's a prophet and a pusher - partly true, partly fiction, a walking contradiction." - Kris Kristoferson - quoted by Betsy in Taxi Driver (1976). Key elements of Hitchcock's style that promote the idea that he is an auteur of the cinematic medium are: 1) the way in which his passion and dedication to his own vision superceded external influences at the time to break new ground within the film industry. 2) The degree to which he directly participated in the film's creation. 3) His technical and theoretical consistencies across a range of films - including his innovative use of camera angles and movements to establish mood, his use of distortion and the uncanny to evokie feelings of suspense and horror, his use of timing to build anticipation, his refusal to adhere to standard narrative forms and his ability to utilise scenery, sound, aesthetics and symbolism to create a unified effect for a common purpose. Throughout Vertigo and Blackmail, Alfred Hitchcock's directorial fingerprint c an be evidenced in each film's cinematic techniques, aesthetic vision, dominant themes and stylistic consistencies. Each of these ingredients comprise Hitchcock's identity and classification within the theoretical school of auteurism - whereby the politique des auteurs ("the policy of authors")(Rohmer & Chabrol, 1957, 95) in the text. is governed by the director's own creative vision - bearing their own trademark style and transcending the limitations of mainstream demands and corporate economic considerations.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Industrial relation_Changes to Employment Legislation in Singapore Essay

Industrial relation_Changes to Employment Legislation in Singapore - Essay Example The trade unions are lawful and they help to resolve the conflicts between the employees and employers (Clegg, 1975, 14-25). The Singapore system is a cooperative Tripartism, wherein the union, government and the management participate. The Industrial and Employment Laws are amended as per the perspectives of the Tripartite. These laws are amended based on certain changes in the Singapore market, work forces, Labour relations and several other essential factors. 2. Reasons for the changing make up of the workforce in Singapore since the start of the 21st century The Singapore Tripartism Forum or the STF), created by NTUC (National Trades Union Congress), Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM), was launched on the 24th of January 2007 by Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong. It is a forum which is designed to enhance the strength of tripartism; the tripartners being the Union, Government and the employers. The forum provides an effective framework which can help to overcome the economic challenges which are being encountered by Singapore. The economic competitiveness and ‘labour-management relation harmony’ would be benefitted by the inclusion of this framework. Objectives as per. Chuan-Jin (17 April 2012) are: Job re-creation Enhancing skills Raising retirement age, Upgrading of the workforce, Flexible wage system Promotion of the fair employment practices as per John Benson, Ying Zhu, PH. 2011. The tripartite partners are as follows: The Ministry of Manpower: As per the Ministry of Manpower (2012), this organisation aspires to develop globally competitive labour /workforce. It also aims at developing a better workplace and achieving a cohesive society. In addition, the aim is to achieve a secure and stable economic future. The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC): It is a national level confederation of trade unions in public sectors and industrial domains representing 500,000 workers. It comprises of 62 union s and 6 taxi associations, which are all affiliated. The objective of this organisation is to make the workers employable for their lifetime and to enhance the social status of these workers. As per NTUC (2010), it aims at enhancing the competitive environment and also for enhancing the health conditions of the employees. These laws apply to all ages and nationality. The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) This federation was set up in 1980. It is a trade union of employees, which is meant to preserve industrial harmony. It is dedicated to help the employees to achieve excellence. As per the Annual Report SNEF (2009), SNEF has over 2000 members employing 54000 workers. It plays a key role in facilitating tripartite partnership. As expressed by Clegg (1975, p. 309-316), tripartism â€Å"theme is that men associate together to further their common interests and desires; their associations exert pressure on each other and on the government; the concessions which follow help to bind society together; thereafter stability is maintained by further concessions and adjustments as new associations emerge and power shifts from one group to another.† As per the publication, Changes to Employment Act (2009), Ministry of Manpower, the following factors are the base reasons for the amendment in the Employment Act:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Nursing; Effective patient transfer within UK hospital Essay

Nursing; Effective patient transfer within UK hospital - Essay Example The multidisciplinary team (MDT) will be working in all aspects of the discharge process. Effective discharge of patients from hospital includes a successful transition of a patient from secondary to primary care. A good communication and planning is important in this process. There must be an effective coordination and collaboration between the PCT and all of the different partners in the care process so that services are seamless and responsive to changing need. The Primary Care Trust (PCT) is the leader in developing the care management in a hospital. Working together with other government companies to be able to achieve its aim to have The NHS plan, to be able to produce a modern, flexible and patient-centered NHS. The NHS is the one responsible in improving the policy in discharging patient. The government is continuing its aim to improve the policy and guidelines in discharging a patient. NHS has made several adjustments on its process . The aim of the policy in discharging patient is to ensure the effective patient care, the appropriate, timely placement of patients dependent on their individual needs and the wider effective management of the elective and emergency workload across the Trust. The discharge planning for patients will start at the admission or at pre-admission clinics for elective patients. The Clinical Team will be the one ensuring that the patient remains in the timely pathway to discharge. The ward managers will be the designated personnel in facilitating this process. Base on the policy done by the Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Trust, there are several principles that underpinned the discharge policy: Each patient discharge will be assessed by the multidisciplinary team with the help of the patient, relatives, and carer. The assessment will start on or before the patient will be admitted. A leader will be selected by the care team to take the responsibility in identifying the discharge date and make sure that the discharge process will be effective. Every patient will be treated with respect. If in any case the patient will reject the care being extended, his decision will be respected. In case of disabled patient all his needs will be given. The MDT will assess the case of each patient. They will classify it base on the severity of the patient. This will be treated first and will be given proper attention to avoid over staying in the hospital. All the discharge planned along with the dates and contact numbers will be clearly documented. The checklist will be available such as the one being used by the Nursing Assessment. The care providers will be informed instantly about the plan for discharge. Relatives and carers will be given proper attention. If necessary they will be assessed by the social services. Patients will be provided with proper health education and support relating to the discharge process. All the information given to patients, families and carers will be consistent with that given by community agencies. The patient will have access to information about the discharge arrangements. Any instruction given regarding the discharge arrangement will be provided in a written form. This include the following: leaflets, booklets, advice sheets following operations, relevant contact numbers should the patient or carer

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Provide a structural explanation of the behavior of EITHER England, Essay

Provide a structural explanation of the behavior of EITHER England, France, Germany, Russia, or austria-hungry in 1914 - Essay Example Consequently, this study examines the structural behavior of German in 1914. During the period, German had a centralized well-organized system of governance guarded by a strong military combat. Studies indicate that in the 19th century Germany’s army was the world’s best. Under Bismarck authority, German had successfully challenged France in an earlier war and expanded its command to many states. Indeed, country’s command system was capable of accessing support from Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. European powers had established considerable command in Africa and India and Germany considered checking the trend. With excellent organization and strong command, the country considered that it could constructively lobby its allies to fight a common enemy to expand its command. During the period, the prevailing situation highlighted that the force had an excellent potential of supporting a war. Extensive economic ties that included Germany and Britain as the prime protagonists characterized the period earlier to 1914. The country’s system spearheaded extensive industrial growth, superior ambitions, reputable military and terrifying conscription. The Germany observed an aggressive and expansionist oversee policies while the Britain adopted a hesitant approach. As indentified, Germany was experiencing rapid economic growth that proved to be in a position of supporting the war accordingly. Additionally, Germany had adopted an approach of annexing lands from inferior states that lead to accumulation of resources. Importantly, Germany’s potential in maintaining a war was evident in its strong military. In the 19th century, Germany expanded its armies and navies extensively doubling the size of its standing armies in the period of 1870 to 1914. The country’s aggressive naval expansion worried other powers that felt threatened

Political Discourse Essay Example for Free

Political Discourse Essay Political incivility has been around for a very long time. According to the article â€Å"The Rise and Fall of Nasty Politics in America†, a number of studies have been conducted to prove that politics has always been â€Å"a bit rough†. Many people in and out of the political world are agreeing that politics these days have turned in to a horrible cycle. Politics today involves nasty language about fellow members families, angry protests and violent outbursts. Sometimes racial slurs and discrimination is also involved in bringing down your opponent. Furthermore, political incivility has caused a variety of problems in American politics throughout the years. Knowing this, what are some of the things that can be done to help increase political civility? Political incivility has caused a variety of problems in the political process. Politics today is often biased based off of the partisan media and views of opposing sides of various parties. According to the article â€Å"What Is Civil Engagement Argument and Why Does Aspiring to It Matter? † the partisan media only shares those facts that are inconvenient to their opponents, engage emotion, and replace argument with ridicule causing many of the listeners or viewers to have angry views of the policies on the opposing side. Allowing the partisan media to be broadcasted for Americans to see causes outrage and incivility in the world around us. This brings me to my next point where the violence in the political world is getting out of control. The violence that occurs includes both physical and emotional attacks by the opposing parties. For example, the district office of a Georgia representative was defaced with a swastika, and the lawmaker, who happens to be African American, has been the recipient of racist hate mail (Shea and Sproveri, 417). There have also been many other instances where racial violence was used including during the final health-care reform meetings. A lot of the protesters yelled out racial slurs at the African American members of Congress. Also during this time one of the legislators was spat on while entering the Capitol Building to cast his vote (Shea and Sproveri, 417). This type of violence causes politicians to lack the motivation to run for office. Olympia Snowe, a former Senate member, finds it very frustrating that the atmosphere of polarization and the â€Å"my way or the highway† ideologies has become persuasive in campaigns and in our governing institutions (Maisel, 408). She is resigning from office and decided not to run for her forth term in office. Other politicians are afraid of ridicule about their families and therefore will not be running for office any longer. Another reason that political discourse is harming the American political process is it is influencing the ability of govern. â€Å"Incivility leads to an inability to govern and, therefore, more can be done in other areas† (Maisel, 408). The inability to govern leads the government officials to detach from politics and take interest in other areas. Also, politicians in today’s era have only one thing on their mind and that is to win. They do not care about the common good or the similar believes of the opposing parties. All they want to do is finish on top. This situation is causing the president and other officials to lack the ability to pass laws that may benefit the whole population. â€Å"According to NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll conducted in the fall of 2011, more than four out of five voters felt that the Congress’s decisions on the debt ceiling were decisions made for partisan political advantages† (Maisel, 408). This is problematic because it brings other officials to not want to run for office and for the population to be dissatisfied with the whole system of government. This can lead to outburst and protests by the people of the nation. So, what is the best way to increase civility in American politics? First, we can follow the ways of the people during the World War II period where partisan differences still existed but at the end of the day the government officials went back to their families where their wives and children were interacting with the wives and children of those with whom they had been debating with (Maisel, 409). In those times, the politicians worked together for one cause, which was to be united and progress with the well being of the nation. That is what the politicians in today’s world need to realize. The politicians in that era had certain rules they needed to abide by like they had to treat others involved with respect and civility. They also relied strictly on truth and not on the fact that they need to win no matter what the consequences to the nation are. This seems to be one of the biggest problems that the American politics has today. The US House of Representatives has it’s own set of rules that ensure that there is civility. The Congress has a set of rules that ensure that the disagreements in Congress are purely philosophical but not personal and that their views are legitimate even if they are wrong (Jamieson and Hardy, 412). This is exactly the type of rules that need to be set for regular debates and this will ensure that the members do not over step those boundaries. The House makes sure that the members do not call each other bad names or over step any boundaries that may cause them to lie. They are not even allowed to call their fellow members hypocritical even if they are being hypocritical. Their understanding is that each side needs to be heard and then they will come up with a compromise to make both parties accept it. In conclusion, the political incivility going on today is effecting the government in ways unimaginable. Politicians are not willing to run for office because of their fear of having their families or themselves ridiculed and talked about in an inappropriate manner, there is a big increase in violence during debates and the politicians of today are only focused on winning and not on the benefit of the greater good. There is a lot that needs to be improved before there could be any type of change in the political world. The government needs to set a variety of rules for debates just like the House of Representatives or the Senate has that will set a limit to the type of things the politicians can say to each other. This will minimize the political discourse today and help new politicians accomplish more and help the nation prosper in the future.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Developing Autonomy in Learning

Developing Autonomy in Learning Thinking of me as an educator or instructor, and entering in teaching profession is one of my dreams and goals of life. This time a graduate study is giving me the opportunity to explore my professional development in the field of teaching and education. Before entering to the first class of practicum, naturally I was feeling the burden of responsibilities in terms of thinking more critically about my objectives, actions and ethical ways of performing my duties within the context of my work as a preceptee. Interestingly, just before the beginning of the class I was asked by one of my facilitators that what will you do after MScN and getting training of an educator? My answer was â€Å"you are the inspiration for me and will walk on your steps†. The next comment that I received was â€Å"you may walk on my steps but what change will you make†? These comments squeezed my thoughts and motivated me to think of a change I may make and expect in the field of education through getting experience from the education practicum. Reflective practice is an integral part of teaching and learning. It helps in being honest to our selves, become aware of our surroundings and understands our own feelings. In this paper I am going to reflect on a wonderful experience of evaluating undergraduate students during double jump exam as a faculty, strategies to facilitate students’ anxiety during exam, and reflect on the purpose of double jump exam. It was challenging to assess students in limited time according to evaluation criteria that should be understood by faculty prior to assess. Since, I have to evaluate students as a faculty but, at that time I was having difficulty in getting into my role because I was realizing and feeling students’ anxiety within myself. I had to assess students and simultaneously to document their assessment findings at the same time. This was the most demanding work for me being honest and non-judgmental during evaluation. Students’ assessment and evaluation require inte nse preparation of self-management, control over your own beliefs and judgments, expectations and commitments towards students that articulate with the outcomes to be achieved. I encountered one student during the exam. He looked confident and well-prepared when he entered at history taking and health assessment station. I explained him the exam criteria and timings to complete the history taking and system assessment in 20 mins (10 mins for each) under the supervision of course faculty. When he started taking history from simulated patient, his physical appearance and way of asking questions from the patient depicted some physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety. He was feeling nervous, speaking very fast, shaking, going blank during history taking and health assessment. We did not interfere during his attempt thinking that he might be recalling therefore, he should not be distracted. After few minutes, the student verbalized that â€Å"mam sorry I am lost, I cannot concentrate, and I am feeling that I have forgotten everything†. This was the peak time where I didn’t have the authority to respond or intervene in this situation being pre ceptee. Moreover, due to time limitation of the double jump exam, the course faculty could not discuss the strategies to solve student situation with me. However, she counseled that student very positively, made him comfortable and gave 5 mins to list down the sequence of nervous system which he had to perform on the patient. The student made the sequence but even though he was unable to perform further and had withdrawn. Interestingly, the student performed very well in the next part which was identifying 3 medical diagnoses along with rationale and interpreting X-ray and ECG rhythm. This scenario was challenging in terms of facilitating student’s anxiety, justifying role and responsibilities as a faculty, and exhibiting non-judgmental attitude with other students. Faculty plays a pivotal role in addressing students’ stress during exam. Responding to students in stress or anxiety is often confusing and overwhelming. Some level of anxiety is productive in performing better in academia but non-productive stress or anxiety leads to failure (Burns, 2004). In this particular situation, there could be many reasons for having test anxiety and poor performance. The reasons could be lack of exam preparation, studying late night before exam, worrying about past performance, lack of confidence, fear of performing assessment on simulated patients, fear of faculty presence, and so forth (Birjandi Alemi, 2010). What I reflect throughout this exam is if I would have been in that situation as an invigilator, I would have allowed student to sit down and relax for 5 mins, and invigilate another student during that interval to save time; provided to use cue cards of health assessment to review since it was allowed to use it 3 times during the exam and there was no penalty or marks deduction. However, the student was not given chance to use cue cards which was questionable. The physical appearance of that student and his intellectual ability was revealing me that he has done his preparation but he was blank due to performance exam anxiety. Because, he performed outstanding job in making differential diagnosis, integrating lab values, and ECG and X-ray interpretation. If he would not have done his preparation, he would have flunked from the entire exam process. Course coordinator’s opinion could have been taken to facilitate student’s performance. Lastly, he could have given second chance to perform later as an exceptional case but it won’t be justified with other students who were prepared and performed on time. What is the purpose of double jump exam is very ambiguous to me. If it is to assess students’ interviewing skills, health assessment, and drawing clinical concept map than this is a part of their routine clinical practice that can be evaluated while caring for patients in the hospital setting. In contrast, the purpose of it is to evaluate critical thinking to identify patients’ clinical parameters and health issues. Therefore, they should have trained in hospital placement where they can analyze cardiac rhythms on monitor, identify ventilator parameters, monitor invasive lines according to patients’ pathological conditions, develop plan of care and treatment on real patients which is an actual experiential learning hence, is a goal to engage students in continuous learning and assessment process. The purpose of good academic assessment is to engage students in autonomous learning and to determine how to fuse theory and practice (Taylor, 1998). There will be no ex tra efforts required in terms of administration and arrangement of human and material resources to plan double jump test which is one of the lengthy and stressful assessment strategies for students. Moreover, it will also prevent from the duplication of assessment which is already a part of clinical learning goals and outcomes. Performing on simulated patients often doesn’t provide actual patients’ symptoms and medical problems to identify and intervene. Students usually get preoccupied in identifying and verbalizing normal findings so they prepare themselves accordingly. However, the purpose is to allow them to think critically and recognize patients’ actual medical problems. Therefore, in my perspective, this learning can be facilitated during clinical. Adult learners are responsible for their own learning. They are motivated when they are given autonomy of learning, ongoing facilitation and feedback from faculty. They require explicit instructions and appropriate responses from the faculty when they are flooded with stress and anxiety. Overall, this was a meaningful journey for me to experience the exam system from student’s and faculty’s perspectives.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Case Study Of Qatar Diar Commerce Essay

Case Study Of Qatar Diar Commerce Essay The real estate industry is a development process that involves establishment of real estate in prepared land by individual, government or developers. In this work Qatar was chosen as the country and Qatar Diar as the real estate company. To support growing economy of Qatar with an eye to manage Qatars real estate development priorities Qatar Diar was established in the year 2005 by Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) which is the autonomous wealth fund of Qatar state. Northwest of Doha and on the coast of Arabian Gulf Qatar Diars headquarter is located. It started with $1bn capital. Its main concern was investment in real estate and community based projects. Since the start the company has worked on its portfolio which is worth $60bn estimated through its global investments. Vision and Mission: Qatar Diars vision is to be the finest real estate company in the world by valuing consumer imagination, cultural values and inspiring relations. Companys vision statement is so far being honest with its vision. It has since its incorporation focused on luxurious ventures. Despite the fact that Qatar hasnt seen booming real estate bubble like its neighbour UAE Qatar Diar has provided with excellent opportunity to represent Qatar in the real estate market. Mission of Qatar Diar is to improve quality of life of Qatars people and in places they will have project by creating distinguished grand development projects by valuing top industry standards. Since the beginning the company has worked on the standard of its developments and it is evident from the projects they have done so far. More discussion on that will be in the next section. Projects of Qatar Diar: In a short span of time Qatar Diar has managed to create a global portfolio of real estate projects. At present the company has projects in Qatar and GCC, Asia, Europe, The Americas and Africa. Companys first project was Lusail City which was launched in December 2005 and soon it gained momentum. It wasnt long when Qatar Diars innovative outlook started gaining praise for its work. This city is progressively self-contained which is the largest singleton real estate development undertaken in state of Qatar. Although the project hasnt completed yet but Lusail have already created buzz about Qatars grand scale vision on next generation of developments. Qatar Diar already has become synonymous to quality. Lusail Real Estate Development Company started its journey in September 2008 to operate the expansion, construction and other development operations in legendary Lusail City Development. In 2009 November under Qatar Diars flagship Qatar Railways Development Company was established which was of significant value for its portfolio. This company brought Qatars vision of creating a fully integrated national rail network and this regions first ever integrated railway system into reality. In parallel with its developments in Qatar, Qatar Diar has always been committed to focusing on international market simultaneous to domestic market. Not only life of Qatars people was touched by Qatar Diar but also it has touched million people through its worldwide development ventures. As of now it is now one of the most famous, trustworthy, respected real estate company. It has become possible because of its continuous commitment to quality service, developing communities with state of the art innovative designs, worthy partnerships and trademark sustainability promise. In January 2012 report released by Qatar Diar it has US $4 billion capital with currently undergoing 49 projects solely in Qatar related to development and planning. Also they have projects in 29 countries all around the world which combined can be valued at US $35 billion. Strategic Business Management and Planning Tool: Every business operates in micro and macro environment. To be successful in this competitive age every business have to have strategy for its operations whether its company management or marketing its products. For a company like Qatar Diar it has greater responsibility towards its wider stakeholders. For the purpose of this study focus will be given on two widely used strategic tools. SWOT Analysis PESTEL Analysis SWOT Analysis of Qatar Diar: SWOT which stands as an abbreviation of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats is a widely used tool to analysis an organisations current standing in the business environment. It also looks into the future considering current competitions. This is a comprehensive planning tool where internally it focuses on strengths and weaknesses of an organisation at current state and looks into external impact factors in forms of opportunities and threats (Sadler, 2003). Figure : SWOT to Business Strategy (Sadler, 2003) From both external and internal appraisal Confrontational questions are generated. For every single Opportunity which strength element can assist the company to take advantage of the opportunity and which weakness can form a barrier to do so. For every single Threat which strength factor can lead to compete with the threat and which weakness can bound the company not to do so. Following SWOT analysis examines Qatar Diars Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats considering its present scenarios. Strengths: Strengths of a business are all the positive elements that it do exceptionally well and generally are under its control. The strengths of a company gives it competitive edge over other business competitors. Often a company will emphasis on its strengths to reach to new dimensions. Below is a list of strengths for Qatar Diar. Having associations with other robust and prevalent businesses around the globe is a major advantageous point for Qatar Diar as it helps bring in new clients and make business more operative. Qatari Diar since beginning have formed strong alliances in form of joint ventures with construction and management firms. In 2008 it signed agreements with Germanys Hochtief; in 2009 signed agreement with Germanys Deutsche Bahn to form the Qatar Railways Development Committee (QRDC). Under this committee, the Qatar Railways Company manages the expansion of Qatars $35bn rail system. In 2010 it joined with Frances Vinci Construction. Being a market leader, as Qatar Diar is, is key to their success as it increases status, revenue and market share. Under Qatar Diar there are several key real estate development is ongoing which gives Qatar Diar additional advantage. Innovation is a vital component of Qatar Diars overall accomplishment, as this retains them way above the other real estate companies. Riding high in the niche market in Real Estate industry has helped boost Qatar Diar and raised reputation and turnover. It has so far focused on high end luxurious projects. Not only they have ambitious projects in Qatar but also in several other countries with high profile construction work in prime locations. The US $1bn expansion of Londons past Chelsea Barracks is one such instance. The establishments developed by Qatar Diar are sustainable modern, meaning this high valued clients will return to Qatar Diar for future projects. Qatar Diars marketing strategy has proven efficiency. Which helped the company to raise profiles and profits and standing out as a major strength not only in gulf region but in the world. Qatar Diars innovation keeps it a leader in Real Estate as it is frequently implementing new proprietary technology and design. Experienced employees are key to the success of Qatar Diar helping to drive them forward with skill and knowledge. For example in March 2012 Qatar Diar appointed thirteen international law organisations to Qatari Diars six legal boards. High quality machinery used in sites, experienced staff, offices and equipment guarantee the job is done to the utmost standard, and is a strength of Qatar Diar. Qatar Diar has a widespread client base, which is a key strength regarding profit. Qatar Diar is spread in all over the globe in prime locations. Being financially strong helps Qatar Diar deal with any problems, ride any dip in profits and out perform their rivals. Qatar Diar has state backing which helps them to stay strong in volatile market. Qatar Diar has emerged as a strong brand which is an essential strength. Qatar Diars international operations establishes its authority over the business. 2012 World Cup will be held in Qatar. Before then the company will have some of their high profile projects finished which will enable them to capitalize the event. Weaknesses: Weaknesses of a corporation are things that should be improved for a better result; which are under their control. Weaknesses puts a business behind its competitors and create barrier to achieve its target. This section will present core weaknesses of Qatar Diar Global economic crisis will have an adverse impact on the sales of high end products. As more and more people are trying to hold their money in safe investments. Qatar is yet not as promising as UAE which is first preference among many client. Legal issues that buyers may face for the developments is still an issue for Qatar Diar as this creates barrier for potential customers. Opportunities: Opportunities are external deviations, drifts or desires that could improve the business or organisations strategic positioning, or which could be of a benefit to them. This section will summarize opportunities that Qatar Diar currently have. Qatar Diar gets direct backing from Qatar Government which allows them to have additional support when they go overseas or even inside the country with grants and favourable policies. Sudden change or adaptation of technology could give Qatar Diar an opportunity to strengthen future success. Use of social media network to promote its products to target markets may open new windows for them. Qatar Diar is in respectable monetary position, which is an opportunity for them to explore in terms of investment in new developments. Qatar Diar has the opportunity to enter niche market with their ever favourable government support to maintain leading position and therefore lift financial performance. Grasping the opportunity to magnify the customer base is something Qatar Diar can aim for, either geographically or through new products. Qatar Diar has planned to take its innovative developments to other countries in coming time. Qatar Diar can also explore takeover and merger opportunities could be explored for Qatar Diar and which later can be used to acquire new customers, new resources and enter new markets. Threats: Threats are reasons which may confine, harm or put areas of the business or organisation at jeopardy. They are factors which are external of the companys control. Being conscious of the threats and being able to prepare for them makes this section valuable when considering contingency plans and strategies. This section will outline main threats Qatar Diar is currently facing. Consumer lifestyle changes could lead to less of a demand for Qatar Diar products/services. A slow economy or financial slowdown could have a major impact on Qatar Diar business and profits. Rising costs could be a major downfall for Qatar Diar as it would eat into profit. PESTEL analysis of Qatar Diar In the macro environment there are many factor that affects decision making process of organisation. Changes can come in form of law change, trade barrier, impose of tax, demographic change along with government policy changes. These all are changes in the macro environment (Bennett, 2002). We can use PESTEL model to assess and analyse most of these factors. This arrangement differentiates between: Political factors. These factors denotes various government policy for example the degree of involvement in the economy. Which products and services the government wants to promote? Which areas will receive subsidy? Political factors can have tremendous impact on numerous important areas of business. It will determine how healthy the nation is and in terms of infrastructure how good it is i.e. road and rail network throughout the nation. Economic factors. Economic factors includes but not limits to purchase interest rates, taxation charges, slow or high economic growth, inflation and exchange rates. To understand how it might affect a business with high impact lets see the example: higher interest rates might discourage investment since it costs extra to borrow a strong currency may make exporting more problematic because it may increase the price in terms of foreign currency inflation may aggravate higher wage demands from employees and increase costs   higher national income growth may boost demand for a firms products Social factors. Changes in social tendencies can influence on the demand for a firms products and the accessibility and readiness of persons to work. In Qatar Diar most of the workers are from different countries. If they cannot offer a competitive salary with other benefits there might be issue with finding right people. Also in 10 years time there will be Fifa 2022 World Cup in Qatar this might mean there will be additional interest for people to get involved and invest in properties. Technological factors: new technologies generate new products and new procedures. Social networking, online shopping, online booking and computer aided design are all developments to the way we do business as a consequence of improved technology. Technology can lessen costs, improve quality and lead to innovation. These expansions can help customers as well as the groups providing the products. Qatar Diar has access to latest technologies in their work bases which helps them to minimize cost and maximize opportunities. Environmental factors: environmental factors comprise the climate and environmental changes. Tourism industry can get hugely affected by temperature change or issues like changed climate. Due to global warming slowly there is significant environmental awareness which indicates that it is not a problem of a region. Qatar Diar also has implications of environmental factors. Sustainable growth will mean that there will be less scope for doing non-environmental friendly tasks. The recent trend of being more environmental friendly is something Qatar Diar can work on to build up campaign or similar movements which will be beneficiary for the business. Legal factors: These factors are significant for a business in terms of the geographical area where they are based on. For example discriminations on the basis of age, sex, religion can have huge adverse impact on a businesss operation. Following laws of different country is also important as most of the time they does vary geographically. Also lawsuits can cost a company fortune. So having sound legal advisors are a must. Qatar Diar has an experienced panel of legal advisors to assist them with development planning. Different categories of law that has direct relation with Qatar Diar includes: consumer laws; these are intended to guard customers against biased practices such as ambiguous descriptions of the product competition laws; these are designed at protecting trivial firms against oppression by larger firms and safeguarding customers are not exploited by firms with monopoly influence employment laws; these cover parts such as dismissal, sacking, working hours and minimum wages. They aim to defend employees against the misuse of power by bosses health and safety legislation; these laws are aimed at guaranteeing the workplace is as safe as is sensibly practical. This legislation covers important issues such as training, accident reporting and other provision for safety equipment. Classic PESTEL features to ponder comprise: Factor Could include: Political e.g. Qatar government involvement in real state policies, investment agenda Economic e.g. inflation, credit crisis, national debt, exchange rates. Social e.g. view towards certain products, demographic characteristics, income Technological e.g. technological advancement, new ICT product, social networking, new product development by using new technology, rate of technological obsolescence Environmental e.g. global warming, climate change, natural disasters and other environmental issues Legal e.g. laws that company is abide by. competition law, health and safety, employment law However, it is significant not to just list PESTEL factors as this does not in itself tell very much. What business strategic management team need to do is to work out which of the many listed factors may change. For example as a government holding company Qatar Diar will more or less have favourable policies from the government. Problem will arise when it goes to a different geographic location. Qatar Diar has a global portfolio that makes it challenging to take into consideration all the wider aspects of all its development activities. In order to assess a big company like Qatar Diar it will be a good idea to distinguish between factors in terms of local, national and global (Drummond,2001). For example, we can evaluate Qatar Diars PESTEL factors as: Local factors such as designing a government project and its approval. National factors such as government law regarding recruiting people for the construction. Global factors such as entering into new market zones and its impact on business. Conclusion: This paper has looked into Qatar Diars business management from a strategic point of view. It is not long since the business was established. Getting world recognition in such a short time is really uncommon in todays world. Qatar Diar has proved how innovative approach in real estate industry can shape its future. Strategically, Qatar Diar has been lucky to have state support throughout its operation. Thanks to its joint ventures it has seen its growth over 29 countries. In coming years Qatar Diar will reach to its peak and probably 2022 will be a milestone year for Qatar Diar.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Why Female Youths Join Gangs :: Youth Gangs Essays

Why Female Youths Join Gangs Female youths join street gangs on the basis of gender conflict, lack of family support and violence in their lives. Through adolescence young females have a much harder time than young males dealing with family, sexuality and the harsh reality of living in the urban ghetto. Young females who must endure these facets of life have little opportunity to succeed. Consequently, these young women turn to a replacement family, a place where they feel they are needed and loved and can escape reality, even if momentarily. This type of place is in the common street gang. Presently, inner city minorities are hopelessly discriminated and isolated from economic opportunity. Young females see society as having nothing to offer young minority women. Neglected communities with high crime and a lack of resources force young females to turn to others in the same situation for support. Thus, they develop an exaggerated sense of belonging and gain excitement lacking in their lives (Chesney-Lind 53). According to Thornberry there are three types of models that account for gang membership: selection model, social facilitation model and enhancement model. Female membership seems to fall into the selection model. The selection model states that gangs only recruit or associate with already delinquent persons (Dukes, Martinez, Stein 143). In 1994 â€Å"females accounted for 24% of all juvenile arrests† (Chesney-Lind 11). Also, female gang members show higher levels of delinquency than non gang members (Curry 12). However, they do not necessarily influence members once in the gang. Such as many researchers have found; once in a gang, female members are not expected to involve themselves in delinquency. Recent estimates of female gang involvement have shown a tremendous increase in female membership. These increases have become great enough to turn researchers attention to female gang members. Studies have shown that ten to thirty eight percent of gang members are female (qtd. in Miller 431). Miller has recognized two different types of female gangs. First, the independent female gang. The independent female gang is completely separate of the male gang. The females make their own set of rules and have decision making powers. Miller’s studies have shown that less than ten percent of female gangs are independent (qtd. in Chesney-Lind 46). Second, the auxiliary gang (qtd. in Curry 105). The auxiliary female gang is the most common and one in which the females are separate from the males in the gang, but are still apart of the whole gang. The males make all the decisions and essentially control the females. These type of female gang groups are, â€Å"an expression of the gender relations and boundaries of society† (qtd.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Representation of Colors in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale Essay

Representation of Colors in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale Imagine if you can, living in a world that tells you what you are to wear, where to live, as well as your position and value to society. In Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's Tale, she shows us the Republic of Gilead does just that. Offred, the main character, is a Handmaid, whose usefulness is her ovaries. Handmaids are ordered to live in a house with a Commander, his wife, and once a month attempt to become pregnant by the Commander. Throughout Atwood's novel, you will notice she uses different colors for her characters clothing that correspond to their position and place in the Republic of Gilead. They become aware of people's statuses by the color of their garments. The colors of dress that have been used are red, blue, green, white, black, and khaki. Going into detail, I will show the social rank that each color represents in the novel, and my interpretation of them. The Handmaids are the only ones wearing red dresses, and several references are made towards the comparison of blood. "When Offred is in the room, which she refuses to call her own, she hears the bell to signal her time to go to the market. Getting up she puts on her red shoes and her red gloves, all the while thinking, everything except the wings around my face is red: the color of blood, which defines us. The dress she wears is also red, being ankle-length as well as long sleeve. The only item she wears that isn't red is the white wings around her face to keep her from seeing, as well as from being seen. Leaving the room, she walks down the hall, and heads for the stairs. She knows there is a mirror on the hall wall. If she turns her head so that the white wings framing her face direc... ... responsible for conceiving and giving birth for a Commander and his wife wear red. The Commander's wives wear blue which is the most prestigious color worn by a woman. Guardians, as well as Martha's, wear green, which is not an authoritive color, putting them in a lower class. White is the color to be worn only by the virgin daughters until they are given to a soldier to marry. Econowives are wearing dresses that are mixed colors because they have multiple functions and little value. The Republic of Gilead believes in showing levels of hierarchy, by the color of clothing worn. Works Cited Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. New York: Anchor Books, 1986. Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. Cliff Notes on Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Lincoln: Cliff Notes, Inc., 1994. Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ramadan Celebration Essay

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered as one of the holiest months of the year. In this month when the prophet Muhammad was said to have received the holy book (Quran). Each day during Ramadan, followers of Islam, known as Muslims, do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset; they are also supposed to avoid bad thoughts and bad behavior. Muslims break their daily fasts by sharing meals with family and friends. During Ramadan Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. All Muslims who have reached puberty and are in good health are required to fast. At sunset, families get together to break the fast known as Ifatr. You start eating with two or more dates like the Prophet Peace Be Upon use to do. The Ifatr meals consist on milk, water, dates, and desserts. (A team of cardiologists in the UAE found that people observing Ramadan enjoy a positive effect on their lipid profile, which means there is a reduction of cholesterol in the blood) It is very important in Ramadan to pray 5 times daily, and recite Quran every day. Ramadan helps us become patient and washes away our bad deeds. It reminds us of the people that are starving and teaches us that how lucky we are that Allah-Tallah provided us with these benefits and help us become better Muslim. After the Ifatri you go to Mosque and pray Magrib and Isha to complete your fast. Thirdly, in Ramadan avoid bad thoughts and bad behavior. Respect your elder and listen to them, you are not allowed to use foul language or hit someone. Keep your mind away from the bad thoughts and the best way to do that is pray and keep saying Allahakabar, Alhumdullah, and Astagfirullah it will keep your mind away from bad thoughts. In Quran Allah- Tallah said if one does not abandon falsehood in words and deeds, Allah has no need for his abandoning of his food and drink.’

All Ur Needs IT Report

  All Ur Needs is a chain of three shops located in two villages which is owned by two brothers. They also have an office over the larger two stores. The current system used by the brothers and staff is a manual paper based system except for some word processing and spreadsheets. The brothers have decided to fully implement a computerised system to gain all the benefits of IT. The aim of this report is recommending how the business should proceed with its expansion into the world of IT.Requirements for new system As the brothers have decided to change to a computerised system, specialist hardware and software will need to be recommended, purchased, installed, maintained and the staff will need to be trained including the brothers. The system should cover stock control and re-ordering, payroll, accounts and EFTPOS. Also the brothers want an online ordering system. A fully networked computer system will be required to allow data sharing, privacy, communication and internet connectivi ty.This will involve purchasing computers which are networked, networking hardware, selecting which network to set up. The network will also be over the internet so all three centres will be connected. Other hardware that will be recommended is eftpos machines to allow the business to take chip and pin. Software will also be recommended for stock control, accounts, payroll, and office software for general office duties like word processing. A web designer will be recommended for the business to move into online ordering.Lastly there will be a report on RFID’s explaining all the functionality and possibilities together with advantages and limitations. Networks and hardware The three centres will have to be interconnected to allow easy sharing of data, stock control and communication and any other business tasks. The main solution is to create a network using computers and a server. Also an internet connection will be needed to allow networking over a geographical area, in this case the third shop in the nearby village of Apenury.The business will need four computers, three for the shops and one for the office. These computers will not be expensive as the business does not need high performance computers except for the server, however as the brothers and staff don’t know much about computers it will be necessary to purchase installation and training which could be costly. Solution to hardware purchasing will be recommended along with justifications, the following hardware would be necessary to create a fully networked computer system.– Server: a computer or device on a network that manages network resources, the business will only need one lower power server as only a few user will be connected to the network – Processor: the processor is the brains of the computer, the processor is where most of the calculations take place and it is the most important element of a computer. The business would not need a high performance processor as they wont be performing demanding tasks, however the server may need a more powerful processor to manage the network efficiently – Ram: random access memory is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly.The business would only need 128 to 256 of ram to perform the day to day tasks of a business, however more memory would make the computer run more faster, memory can be easily be upgraded as the business grows – Hard drive: the mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. The business would only need between 40 and 60 GB of hard disk space as they wont have large amount of data – DVD/RW: a re-recordable DVD format similar to CD/RW, the data on a dvd/rw can easily be erased and recorded numerous times without damaging the medium. The business would need dvd/rw to back up data if there is a disaster or data loss.– Monitor (tft): a type of LCD flat panel display screen, the tft provides the best resolution of all flat panel techniques. Fl at panel displays are quiet expensive, but it is recommended for the business as they are ergonomic. The business will only need a 15 inch size monitor. – Graphics card: a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities. The business wont need a graphics card as it will come integrated with the motherboard and graphics cards are only need when running demanding tasks like multimedia software.– Mouse: a device that controls the movement of the cursor on a display screen. A standard mouse will come with the computer. – Keyboard: a standard keyboard will come with the computer – Hub: A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. This will be required to connect all the computers to the server; this will come with the server. – Motherboard: the man circuit board of a computer where all devices connect to. The business won’t need an expensive motherboard, just th e one that is compatible with the processor.– Network card: an expansion card you insert into a computer so computers can connect to the network, there will be a network slot on the computers so they can be connected – Printer: it is recommended that the business get a laser printer as it is cheaper in the long run instead of an ink jet printer, they may need a colour printer because of graphs etc. printer can also be connected to the network so they can be shared. A network is a communication system, a collection of resources, objects and people.Any two or more interconnected computer systems can be described as a network. A network improves communications, share resources and there is more efficiency. It is recommended that the business use a metropolitan area network, this is where different sites are connected. This is because there is a shop is Apenury which needs to be connected. The two shops and office should be connected through a local area network as they ar e on one site. The type of network that is recommended is a client/server network where multiple workstations are connected to one or more servers.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Recruiting, Selection, and Training Essay

The company that I researched is WellPoint (aka Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield). I would love to have a position as a Human Resource Director within the company. As a Human Resources professional at WellPoint, the goal is to lead their workforce and workplace talent strategies into achieving the purpose statement to convert health care with trusted and caring solutions. WellPoint also develop programs that attract individuals with vision and talent to be the future of their industry. Human Resources professionals at WellPoint concentrate on key areas such as talent management, engagement, and Integration to maximize customer focus and efficiency. Analyze the effectiveness of the company’s recruiting efforts and make recommendations for improvement. The HR professionals have a hard time getting qualified applicants to apply for certain positions. So the first challenge is getting enough people to apply to a particular job. In doing so they are able to prepare not to consider t hose who they deem unfit for the position. It takes a lot of effort to select the applicants that truly qualify for the job. All organizations have to begin with advertising for the position. Other resources used for employment are employee referral, employment agencies, school recruiters, walk-ins, and the internet. To work in human resources, a person must go through an industrial/psychology analysis. WellPoint human resource departments have their own job analysis and all human resource employees must help mangers anticipate and meet changing needs related to gaining deployment, and the utilization of employees. The human resource professionals must estimate the amount and type of employees the organization needs, to keep the business running successfully. Therefore they must hire someone who is qualified to conduct all the important roles as a human resource manager. Human resource departments use multiple aptitude tests to screen potential employees. These tests also determine pay  rates based on these tests. This is due to the quality of demand for a human resource manager. The selection process takes a lot of practice and involves assessing and choosing the right candidates. All selection processes must be legal, technically sound, and must accurately match the people and skills needed f or the position. Analyze the selection process of the company you researched and make recommendations for improvement. The majority of I/O psychologists believe that personality tests are important tools for choosing the right employees. WellPoint and several other big corporations use these tests to measure dimensions of personality and related characteristics. These testing methods are used to foresee insubordinate behaviors, and remove individuals that may cause trouble or hindrance to the organization. WellPoint Corporation has been dedicating numerous amounts of energy into areas such as communication, recognition, and employee retention. They understand that branding the employees doesn’t mean anything if the experience of the individuals does not match. Instead they want to establish higher profits, increased sales, lower turnover, and outstanding customer service to their members. Part of WellPoint’s pre-employment testing includes personality testing and mathematical skills. These tests are based on the individual. Some of these particular measures may be referred to as tempera ments, dispositions, or traits. Also measured in that category are employee reliability, thoroughness, change, trustworthiness, and friendliness. Various personality measures are focused on characterizing people within the standard adult range of functionality while others focus on the identification of psychopathology (Schmidt, Shaffer 2010-2011). The reasons individuals are given a basic math assessment are to measure the accountability for their employees to figure out co-pays and co-insurance amounts are calculated correctly to the claim. WellPoint has spent countless time and money in mastering the art of employee selection, training, and retention. WellPoint has a website for interested candidates to apply for careers within their organization, both online and the corporate offices. During the selection process, candidates are asked to take a variety of assessments that analyze areas ranging from characteristics, skill sets, and basic reading and writing tests. Once a candidate has been selected and has accepted a job offer, there are several types of training encountered within the company. Determine how training and talent management contribute to an  effective labor force of the company you researched. Training is a planned learning experience and it effectively prepares workers for their current and future jobs. Training for human resource managers focuses on the present job industry while development training prepares them for the future growth. Training enhances knowledge and job skills. Methods used to measure the success of the training are performance appraisals. This measures the adequacy of the human resource managers. After their performances are measured their results are discussed with them, and any changes that may need to be made in the training process can be easily detected. These pre-employment tests are used largely in Human Resource and customer service environments for middle paying entry level jobs. Testing is designed to predict proneness for theft and other forms of counterproductive work behavior in job applicants. The organization now proposes quarterly training for employees, and is on the path to training over thousands of new people due to health care reform ( The whole program is centered on listening to customers, and it recognizes employees who go the extra mile in the name of customer service. Often the new hire will experience on-the-job training, during which he or she will be shown the necessary steps in their assigned tasks. For instance, if a person is assigned to the team and asked to process claims, he or she will be shown how to properly process the claim by the trainer. Other tasks that the new hire will be expected to perform, such as enrolling dependents or ordering ID cards. This training is done in a class room setting environment. Safety courses and other employee training courses are offered periodically. Some of these courses are offered online, while others are done in training sessions within the building. WellPoint corporate employees evaluate the efficiency of nearly every aspect of the training and implementation of new employees. Additional measures are also put in place when a policy or product has changed or a new one has been introduced. The department of Quality Assurance oversees this for their assigned regions. WellPoint takes great care in ensuring that their policies are proficient and products are the best quality. That is why there are several departments in place to oversee these important aspects of the corporations. They include Quality Assurance, Product Development, Legal, Human Resources and Information Services. Another way that WellPoint seeks to improve their employee job satisfaction is career training. A large  majority of WellPoint corporate staff started with the company and took advantage of the leadership training to climb the corporate ladder within the organization. WellPoint takes pride in the training program that the company offers, and this training is held worldwide. They are among many companies who has been certified to grant college credit hours to employees in the training programs. Human Resource managers must be treated ethically like their employees; however there are some cases where they are treated unethically. Human resource managers may face problems involving their employees, promotions, pay, and favoritism. Human resource managers must be very observant of all employees to ensure everyone is treated fairly. It is important that those who qualify for human resource management are the ones hired, not those who look, act, or dress in a certain manner. According to the EEOC, (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), â€Å"Employers are not prohibited from using personality or integrity tests in the workplace. However, the statute is implicated when: (1) an employer uses tests to intentionally discriminate against minorities or (2) the tests have an adverse impact on minorities and are not job-related for the position in question and c onsistent with business necessity. No cases have found that an employer’s use of personality testing in the workplace resulted in the unequal treatment of protected groups. However, there could be such a cause of action if the tests were used intentionally to exclude members of protected groups. This would usually involve evidence of comparative proof that members of a protected group were treated differently than majority group members. For example, it would obviously be illegal for an employer to test minority applicants, but not majority applicants†. As long as these tests are given in a professional manner, it is not against the law to do such to find out if the individual is the best fit for the job. Employee selection and training will continue to be two of the most important aspects for growing and supporting the workforce for companies in the future. Psychological assessments, such as the ones described in this paper, is one of the many ways that companies can attempt to get the highest quality people and not select people who do not want to be there. While there is speculation of the dependability of using these assessment tools for employee selection and training, the evidence shows that it can be helpful in focusing the time and money into particular areas or people to improve  productivity within the company. WellPoint also uses verbal reasoning, numeracy, spatial awareness battery test. They consist of a number of questions with multiple choice answers, only one of which is right. As a test progresses, the questions may become more difficult, and there are frequently more questions than can comfortably be completed in the time. These tests are designed so that very few people finish the test in the time allowed. The participant’s score is then compared with how other people have done on the test in the past. This enables the selectors to assess reasoning skills in relation to others, and to make judgments about ability to cope with tasks involved in the job. On the flip side, personality inventories are used in order to determine one’s typical reactions and attitudes to a variety of situations. They could be trying to identify how well an individual can get on with others or their normal reaction to stressful situations, or simply their feelings about the kind of people they like to work with (Spector, 2008). Perhaps the biggest challenge related to the use of assessment tools is determining when to use the information obtained to remove an applicant from consideration. References The WellPoint Employee (2008). Retrieved November 13, 2013 from Schmidt, R & Shaffer, D. (2010-2011). Personality Testing in Employment. Retrieved November 12, 2013 from Spector, P. E. (2008). Industrial and Organizational Psychology (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2011) Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964: Employment. Retrieved November 13, 2013 from Holley, W. H., Jr., Jennings, K. M., Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2012). Employment Labor & Relations. (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.